Why tutoring is the most effective way to learn

While everyone does learn in very different ways, one of the main secrets to finding the best environment to learn in comes from having the right ratio of students to teachers. Class sizes across Calgary and Alberta are definitely increasing and one-on-one learning is now becoming a thing of the past.

One-on-one learning represents one the most effective ways to learn because every student has different strategies that they may need to employ to learn concepts. A teaching professional may only be able to reach the majority of classes but a few students will likely be left out as their learning strategies may be different from their peers.

By working one on one with a tutor a student can learn the types of strategies that work best for learning new concepts as well as get the practice that they need to master new concepts and foundations in education.

With more personalized attention through one-on-one learning it possible for students to have all of their questions answered and to ensure that they can learn about the process of a concept. Many students are shy to ask questions in the classroom and with increasing class sizes educators may not have time to actually answer all of the perspective questions either.

Personalized attention through one-on-one tutoring can also recognize difficulties. It can be easy for a teacher to not recognize when a student isn’t picking up a particular concept. When participation is mandatory in a one-on-one session it is much easier for an educator/ tutor to understand the concepts which a student is less comfortable with. This type of personalized experience ensures that a student can have the extra support they need for concepts as well as for answering questions.

If you are interested in getting support for your children in tutoring or you may need a math tutor/ all around tutor for your personal learning experience, see what the difference of one-on-one tutoring can bring to education with Peak tutoring.


"From the Students’ View: One-on-One Learning." Center for Teaching. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching, n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2016.